Turlock HOSA Blood drive

Mariana Ortega, Features Editor

Every 2 seconds, someone in the United States is in need of blood as it plays a very important role in surgeries, cancer treatments, chronic illnesses, and traumatic injuries. For cancer patients especially, blood transfusions can be helpful in getting platelets back into their bodies after they lose them due to chemo or radiation therapy. If someone has lost a lot of blood due to a traumatic injury, a blood donation will also be very helpful to them. Donating blood helps save many lives, so the more blood that is donated, the more lives are able to be saved. 

Turlock High School HOSA recently had a Blood drive on November 4, 2022. Before the blood drive, members of HOSA spread the word around and got 163 people to sign up for blood donations. Teachers, students, and staff were all able to donate if they met the requirements but sadly, we only got to about 58 people. Each person’s blood donations were used to help save up to 3 lives! So all together, Turlock High Bulldogs saved 174 people in need of blood. It’s not hard to save a life, in fact, all you have to do is sit and relax while the nurses take your blood. The best part is, once you are done, you get so many snacks and a free T-shirt saying, “I saved a life.” 

Turlock High School HOSA will be back in the spring doing a second blood drive, so be ready and sign up! As said before, blood is a very essential part of life, and that’s why giving blood donations is so helpful and important to do if you are able to. Thank you to everyone who donated blood, and if Turlock HOSA wasn’t able to call you in, don’t worry because we will be back in spring! Make sure to remember, someone out there might be in need of your blood, so make sure to donate if you can.